Indie Films

Kino niezależne

"1812 When Hell Freezes Over". A thriller and war drama set in the time of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow, in 1812. Currently in production.


The Last Dance. A short feature film, which we made for the 1-st of November, the Polish All Saints Day. A (nec)romantic reflection on the fact that the most crucial things in our life, often come unexpected.



"The legend of the Dragon Company" - A promotional video for a Fantasy feature film, that we plan to shoot in cooperation with the American company "Wonderphil Entertainment". See photos from the set.



"The Lancers" - A short, independent period drama. 2013. See pictures from the set.



"The Sabre and the Steed" - A trailer for a docummentary about the 17th century Polish army, based on the script by the Polish author Jacek Komuda. Shot in cooperation with Black Stork Studio in 2011. See photos from the set.


"A Long Time Ago in Ilza" - Our first feature film, still completely amateur and realised with our own small budget. For this we got an award for the best international adventure feature, on "The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival", in the United States in 2010. Shot in cooperation with Black Stork Studio. See photos from the premiere. See photos from the award ceremony.


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